About this website
Here's all the useful info regarding this website:
Note that this website's made by an adult and I likely won't add a lot of CWs, though I'll rarely make things too explicit (I'll most likely talk about things involving gore, sex or else at one point, but won't show anything explicit).
Expect major updates in the future at an inconsistent rate, 'cause I'm lazy and can't keep a schedule for the life of me.
About each section
Web/Personal info is pretty self-explanatory (you're in this section after all). I just explain how the website works and who I am.
"Reviews" is basically my version of shrines/ just actual reviews of works I want to talk about.
Initially just wanted to do actual shrines but I have a hard time gushing over a work without mentioning some of its downside (unless it's in a discussion).
Blog is where I'll talk about anything not related to a specific work: IRL subjects, my own daily lifes, tropes/meta elements
Art is where all my drawings -traditional and digital-, pixel arts and similar visual creations will go.
So far they're mostly reference work, so I feel like there wouldn't be much value to posting them right away.
At last, Stories is where I'll post written stories, worldbuilding and fan concepts (basically anything that's text-only).