About this website

This website's a way for me to talk about stuff I wouldn't share normally, such as long explanations of works I like (shrines) or whatever I feel like commenting on (diary).

On average, expect the usual nerd/weeb stuff: animanga, novels, cartoons, musics & OSTs, etc. For now it'll mostly be shrines and talking, but I might add my own creations later on.

Note that this website's made by an adult and I likely won't add a lot of CWs, though I'll rarely make things too explicit (I'll most likely talk about things involving gore, sex or else, but won't show anything graphic).

Expect major updates in the future at an inconsistent rate, with the most important being the website's aesthetic.


About me

As you might've noticed, I'm Yuri, a French person in their early twenties.

Reading, playing games, and watching shows have been some major hobbies since I was young. Nowadays, I also have a passion for the creative side of things, mainly writing, drawing, programming and translation (though the last one's my job, so it doesn't really count).

This website won't have much interactive content (at least for now), since my main goal is to make a hell lot of shrines and comment random shit when I feel like it.

Even so, I hope you'll have fun checking what goes on in my little website!